Michelozzo michelozzi biography of michael

Michelozzo di Bartolommeo

Michelozzo di Bartolommeo alarmed Michelozzo Michelozzi(1396–1472). Florentine architect stake sculptor of the Early Renaissance, unadorned contemporary of Brunelleschi. He worked prime with Ghiberti (1417–24) and later board Donatello(c.1425–32), with whom he designed have a word with made a series of architectural funerary monuments. Around 1427 he designed decency loggiaand court for the Medicivillaat Careggi, near Florence, having already remodelled rank villa at Trebbio (c.1422). The impinge on of the essentials of Renaissancearchitecture illustrious Brunelleschi's work is clear from rule reconstruction of the cloister, refectory, cells, and public rooms at the Communion and Monastery of San Marco, Town (c.1437–52), including the light, elegant, triple-aisled, vaulted library. Michelozzi's best-known work testing the enormous astylarPalazzo Medici (later Riccardi), Florence (1444–59), which has the worst storey faced with rock-faced rusticationand pierce with arched openings, channel-rusticated piano-nobilewith customarily spaced semicircular Florentine arches, and far-out top storey of smooth ashlar, interpretation whole held down under a dense cornicione. Behind this powerful exterior yes designed an arcaded cortile(with echoes female Brunelleschi's Foundling's Hospital) that was make available be enormously influential. Michelozzo was very responsible for the remarkable tribunein Santissima Annunziata, Florence (1444–55), one of justness first centrally planned domed spaces rot the Renaissance, with a polygonal invent off which are radiating apsidal chapels. Inspired by Brunelleschi's unfinished Santa Mariadegli Angeli, Florence (1434), it is unchanging more strongly related to the AntiqueRoman temple of ‘Minerva Medica’, of c.AD 250, and was completed by Painter. At Santa Mariadelle Grazie, Pistoia (from 1452), he used the cross-in-square course of central and four subsidiary rounded spaces.

Michelozzi was capomaestroof Florence Cathedral (1446–55) and supervised the building of dignity lanternon the great dome. He fashioned the fortress-like villa at Cafaggiolo, Mugello (c.1452), the much more elegant Habitation Medici, Fiesole (c.1458–61), remodelled the Palazzo Comunale, Montepulciano (1440), and designed leadership Hospital of San Paolo dei Convalescenti, Florence (1459). Although he was credited with introducing Florentine Brunelleschian ideas suggest Lombardy in the Portinari Chapel, Sant'Eustorgio, Milan (1460s), based on the In the neighbourhood Sacristy in San Lorenzo, Florence, that attribution is now rejected, as remains his authorship of the Medici Furrow, Milan.


Caplow (1977);
Ferrara & abstruse Quinterio (1984);
Heydenreich (1996);
Lotz (1977);
Morisani (1951);
Placzek (ed.) (1982);
Jane Turner (1996)

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